Youth Exchange

As a Rotary Exchange student, you will spend one year living in another country, usually with three or four host families. You'll learn a new way of living, experience different foods, study different subjects, enjoy a new culture and maybe even learn a new language. In addition you will learn a great deal about yourself and gain confidence and self sufficiency. You'll also be an ambassador, teaching people you meet about your country, culture, and ideas. You can help bring the world closer - and make some good friends in the process.
The most powerful force in the promotion of international understanding and peace is exposure to different cultures. The world becomes a smaller, friendlier place when we learn that all people - regardless of nationality - desire the same basic things: a safe, comfortable environment that allows for a rich and satisfying life for ourselves and our children. Youth Exchange provides thousands of young people with the opportunity to meet people from other lands and to experience their cultures, thus planting the seeds for a lifetime of international understanding.
You will attend school in your local community, as well as participating in Rotary activities and civic functions. At the same time you will make new friends, see exciting places and experience adventures that will take a lifetime to recount. Rotary's Youth Exchange Program is recognized by participants, parents and schools as the best student exchange program in the world. It is the largest of its type in Canada and is backed up by caring and dedicated Rotarians who provide the infrastructure of the program. You will stay with three or four host families who have been screened by Rotary. These Rotary accredited families are volunteers who will welcome and care for you, supervise your year and introduce you to their culture and lifestyle. You will become part of those families and their community.
Bring the world into our communities & promote Rotary's goal of peace & understanding.
Student Benefits:

Applications for the 2025-2026 exchange year are no longer being accepted. Please apply next year.
A life-changing experience awaits you. Here are some tips to help you get started.
1. Start planning early.
The Rotary Youth Exchange program is highly selective, so start planning as soon as possible. The reason for the early deadlines? District 7080 has an extensive selection and orientation process, which helps us identify the best candidates and prepare them well for their time as Youth Exchange students.
Typically Rotary clubs in District 7080 recruit in September & October to select students who will depart in July or August of the following year.
2. Contact Rotarians in your area.
Firstly make contact with your local Rotary Club to find out if they are involved in the Youth Exchange Program. You can find your closest Rotary club by clicking on the "Find a Club" tab from the main page of this website.
To contact Rotary Cambridge Sunrise, please email:
Ask at Student Services at your school as often Rotary Clubs make presentations to Grade 10 & 11 students in September/October.
If you have specific questions you may contact the Youth Exchange chair and you can find his contact details by clicking on the Committee Directory tab on the Youth Exchange page.
3. Fill out an application.
After you've communicated with your local Rotary club or your district Youth Exchange chair, you can download and fill out the preliminary application form and return it to your closest Rotary Club that is involved in Youth Exchange. If that application is accepted, you will go through a series of interviews. One or more students may be selected by your local Rotary Club. The Youth Exchange Officer (YEO) will then forward the details of the student(s) chosen at the club level to the District Chair of Youth Exchange who will send send out the Long Form application document. Note: The Long forms are not on the website and you must use the long form that the D7080 Chair of Youth Exchange will send you via email. Do not download or complete any other long form, as that will not be accepted. The District Chair and Youth Exchange Officer (YEO) from your sponsoring Rotary Club will help guide you through the application and interview process.
4. What happens after I am accepted?
You will be re-interviewed by the District. Then you will attend a series of training sessions in January, February and May to fully prepare you for a life changing experience. You will depart on your exchange in July or August.